Bio Pacific Skin Care's Dedicated... YouTube Channel....
Posted by Paul Lendvay on
We have further Content on our Products on our dedicated You Tube Channel.... Search : Bio Pacific Skin Care ....on YouTube. 36 Video's covering all products and interviews with real clients.....
BEAUTY Commonsense skin care for summer 2017
Posted by Paul Lendvay on

BEAUTYCommonsense skin care for summerSummer is here and it’s a high-risk time for all skin types in more ways than one, writes dermatherapist MIMI GYERGYAK.It’s a dangerous time of year for skin,with both sun and the humidity takinga toll.While we are slowly becomingeducated about the need for protectionfrom the sun, it’s easy to overlook thedamage being caused by the humidity.We always feel hot and sweaty andour skin feels moist, so we don’t realisejust how much we are dehydrating.In fact, we are losing moisturethrough perspiration and yet not feelingfeel dehydrated.Many women are saying “I can’t standanything on my face” and can’t...
When age gets under your skin....
Posted by Paul Lendvay on
Posted by Mimi Gyergyak on

Edition - 24 March 2017 From the privation of post-war Europe to settling in a strange, hot country as a young wife, Mimi Gyergyak has met life head-on, and, writes DOT WHITTINGTON, the successful businesswoman can’t imagine doing anything any differently now. When Mimi Gyergyak was born in a small village on the Danube River on the outskirts of Budapest in Hungary, World War II was still fresh in everyone’s mind and her country was a satellite state of the Soviet Union. Times were tough; doing without was the order of the day but as always, necessity is...
Posted by Mimi Gyergyak on

Issue 1105 - November 2016 For a small European country, Hungary has always punched above its weight in the beauty stakes, giving us skincare supremos Ella Bache, Estee Lauder – and Brisbane-based skin therapist Mimi Gyergyak. Mimi trained as a cosmetician in her native country and has been treating clients, including from interstate, at her suite on Spring Hill’s Wickham Tce since the early 1980s. Thirty years ago she developed her own range, Bio-Pacific Skin Care, with products based on botanicals including Queensland-grown aloe leaf juice, Mimi’s vehicle of choice to carry nutrients deep into skin. “That early range...